My facial rejuvenation sessions first consist of constitutional body points to nourish the yin, bring circulation to the face, as well as strengthen digestion and the immune system (or whatever else my patient would like to work on). I follow that with using a protocol of small Japanese style needles on the face, focusing on whatever area is especially requested. After some time to relax with the needles, I come back into the treatment room with 3 types of jade gua sha tools and facial cups. I apply a face serum and face cream that I make with Chinese and local botanicals for gua sha and cups to moisturize into the skin. I also offer a professional-grade LED red light therapy to use during the treatment to enhance collagen production.
the anti-wrinkle effects. My rate for a session is $150 with a package of 5 available for $650.

Nanoneedling uses a motorized pen device with a specialized head with 81 hair-like silicone tips. The tips function to separate cells only at the epidermis level (0.15mm depth). Nanoneedling treatment allows for controlled serum infusions for treatments such as pigment reduction, increasing cell turnover, and rejuvenating the skin. Nanoneedling can be done weekly to exfoliate the skin and is usually completed in 30-60 minutes. My rate for nanoneedling is $200 which includes facial and body acupuncture, infrared LED light, and botanical serums.